Saturday was perfect!! We packed a cooler and packed both families up in the car for a day of hiking! We visited Dupont State Forest and hiked to Triple Falls. The waterfalls were beautiful and overflowing with water due to all the melting snow and recent rain. The hike was an easy one, thank goodess!! Parts of the trail were still covered with snow and ice. Ella and Gray loved every minute of it. We even met a group of horseback riders and we got to pet the horses. Gray just loves animals and still has not stopped talking about the horse licking her hand. We had a picnic lunch that was picture perfect....
Saturday night was "make your own pizza night" and we got to catch up The Peckham Family and The Parris Family. It was great seeing both families and the kids played all night long!! Sunday we got up and went to the park - another beautiful day where we went on a trail hike and let the kids play. Swings, slides, monkey bars, basketball, sandbox... whew!! Thanks to the Bazley family for a wonderful weekend!! We look forward to another trip this summer!
On a side note.... these waterfalls were just amazing. It only takes a moment to realize that the simple things in life can make us the happiest. Gray is at such a fun age and it's things like a hike, a waterfall, a horse or a little bit of fresh snow can make her giggle all day long! Our goal: To be appreciative for the beautiful and SIMPLE things in life every single day!