I had a dream last night about this blog... which to me is a true sign that I needed to log on and do an update. It's been over a month since our last post and I promised myself I would create this blog and keep it up to date. So here I am....
Spring is HERE!! It has been three back to back days of high 70's tempatures and we love it!! Our afternoons are spent outside... and Gray just loves it!! She's just like her mommy - she loves the warm sun, and being barefoot in the grass. Our new evening tradition is walking hand-in-hand through the neighborhood and saying all the things we see "Mommy, there's a mailbox.. and another one...and another one." or "Shhhhh.... I hear birds". It's the highlight of my day!!

I can't begin to list all the new developments that Gray has had in the last month - but I can tell you that she's growing up. Oh how I wish I could stop the clock... I feel like it was just yesterday that we were bringing her home from the hospital and now Im planning a 2 year old birthday bash. She is talking... and talking...and talking. Full sentences... full conversations - and nothing gets by her. She's wild and always being silly - but there are still those quiet tender moments that make us melt. She is finallyshowing interest in sitting down to watch a movie and she actually wants us to "snuggle" on the couch with her. She begs for quiet time with her daddy in between books and bed... they rock in the chair and every night Paul comes downstairs and says the same thing... "Im so in love with that little girl." She started a new thing called "huggies" where she bear hugs us around the neck and presses her cheeks to ours. She is simply amazing - no better word to describe it. The terrible two's monster has reared its ugly head a few times in the last couple of weeks. Paul and I are really working hard to develop our own discipline plan and so far so good.... challenging and rewarding at the same time.
The attached picture is from last month. We need to purchase a new usb cord connecting the camera to the computer - it's on my long list of to-do items this week.
Happy Easter to everyone -we are beach bound for a weekend of fun in the sun and easter egg hunts in the sand!!