I've written before about the special love Gray has for her friends - well our neighbor friends are right at the top of her "special friends" list. Laura, Andrew and Caroline live just down the street from us and little Caroline is just 2 weeks older than Gray. They are the sweetest of friends and they can't get enough "huggies" from each other. Caroline is the cute little one without clothes in the picture below!! Gray just adores her and honestly Paul and I love the wonderful new friends that we have made... and they live just a few houses down!
Friday night we went out to dinner with Laura, Andrew and Caroline. We enjoyed a little mexican and then a walk down to our favorite ice cream shop. The girls had a wonderful night and we realized how much easier it is to go out to dinner when there is another "little person." They kept each other entertained the entire time. Saturday night we had a last minute cookout with Laura, Andrew and Caroline... and other neighbors, Kristin, James and 3 year old Cali joined in on the fun. The girls had a blast playing in the pool and running in the yard. We enjoyed the adult time and we started a cornhole tournament that looks like it will last all summer long. Andrew and Paul got lucky with 2 wins in a row - but watch out boys, we are planning mid-afternoon practice sessions. Oh the joys of working from home!!

And yes, Gray did manage to jump in the pool AGAIN - but this was right after I changed her into dry clothes. This child loves the pool!!

This weekend was just perfect... lots of yard work, lots of flower planting, lots of time outside. We just love it when we have a weekend at home with no kind of agenda or set schedule- it's time that we all value so much!!
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