We have been lucky enough to snag the family beach house for a few long weekends this summer!! Our beach house is my favorite place on earth... yes, it's a long drive and with a 2 year old that can sometimes prove to be a bit challenging. But once we get there... it's sooo worth it!! Early July we got to spend 5 days with the Bazley family at our Oak Island get-a-way!! Our days were filled with fun in the sun, swimming, building sand castles, feeding the birds, walks on the pier and our nights were made of great food (thanks Doug) ice cream, putt putt, walks on the beach and 2 very tired little girls!!

Saturday we made a trip across the island via ferry and ventured to Carolina Beach. You get to drive your car right on the sand and Paul even tried to fish for a bit. Daddies are the best - we love this picture of the guys spelling out the names of thier sweet little girls!!

We also ventured to Southport... it's a quick drive from the house and has beautiful views. This picture of the Bazley family was from a pier the girls had a blast playing on!!

While visiting Oak Island this trip we discovered a new spot for dinner!! I would have never guessed Oak Island had a yacht club. We had dinner right on the water. This picture makes me smile!! Amy and I were roommates in college - and look at us now!! Our girls are three months apart and the sweetest of friends!! The Bazleys are expecting baby #2 at the end of the year and we are so excited to be a part of this journey with them! I am so thankful for our friendship and look forward to us growing old together and sharing many more memories!!

Calling all child modeling agents... isn't this picture precious?? The girls had matching suits that demanded a snapshot. They really could be in a magazine doing an ad for the sunscreen gray is holding. Gray and Ella just light up when they are together!! I personally loved hearing thier sweet little conversations

Our last night at the beach was an adventure. We played a rather successful round of putt-putt, considering the players were 2 years old. Paul and Doug were trying so hard to teach the fundamentals of putt-putt. Amy and I just enjoyed watching them run wild and attemp to hit the ball in the hole. I don't think we have created the next Tiger Woods.... that's for sure!!

One last note on the beach!! Gray was not too excited about the water this year. Last year she hated the sand... so we're making a step in the right direction. She will be a beach bum... she must be a beach bum.
We really did have a wonderful trip! Amy and I were remembering the days of our beach trips in college and pre-kids. We would lay out all day and fry our skin to a crisp. Life is different now... there's no more sitting in a chair and working on our tan. There's something wonderful about being a mom and being covered from head to toe in sand. I'm speaking for both of us... we wouldnt' change it for the world!!!
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