We are so excited about the fall. We're kicking off the cooler weather tonight with a neighborhood cookout and Halloween party where we'll attempt smores over the firepit.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Fall and Such.....
We are so excited about the fall. We're kicking off the cooler weather tonight with a neighborhood cookout and Halloween party where we'll attempt smores over the firepit.
Friday, September 3, 2010
August 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
2 years.... and then some!
Consider this the 2 year update on Gray. Im aware... she's almost halfway to 3 but, better late than never! The truth is... I was a little behind on booking her 2 year check-up, and now that that's done I can update you all on our little princess!
Two year check up stats:
32 pounds ( 92%)
36 inches - 3 feet (85%)
She checked out just perfect!! The only "homework" assignment we were given was to offer fruits and veggies at every meal!! Gray has become a picky little eater and the doc told us that if we offer them at every meal, even if she only has a bite or two - it's better than nothing! She had a few shots - but nothing a sparkle bandaid and a bag of goldfish couldn't take care of.
I could go on for days about all the things Gray is doing these days:
- Loves, loves, loves her baby dolls. She's such a little "mommy" at heart and I love seeing how sweet and gentle she is with her tribe of children (yes she has a tribe - atleast 10 babies)
- Has discovered a new love for books. She will sit in her room and read for 30 minutes all by herself. She reads in the car, in the stroller and even in the bathroom which is a wonderful thing to occupy her while I get ready for work. Her favorite books she knows by heart!!
- Does not like the bath!!! Im not sure how or when this happened but the last few weeks have been tough. She won't even sit down and hates having her hair washed.
- LOVES SHOES!! Thanks to Aunt Anna this child has more shoes that Paul and I have combined. She loves trying them on and prancing around the house.
- She's a golfer!! Gray loves putt-putt. We introduced her to it in June at the beach and she has not stopped talking about it. I think we're going to need to get her a putting green :)
- Games and prizes!! We have an arcade by the house and she now understands the concept of playing games and winning tickets that you can cash in for prizes. We visit often and even found an arcade at the beach. Gray loves prizes. The bad thing for us is that our house is covered in little "things" like balls, silly bands, snakes, flashlights.
- Loves to pray! Gray says the blessing before every meal and I love her sweet little version of "God our Father" She sings it so perfectly!! At night we say her prayers before bed and she thanks God for everyone in her life.... one by one!!
Life is good. Being 2 is great!! Of course we have the challenging days but i have a feeling Gray is skipping the terrible 2's which makes me a little nervous about 3. Stay tuned... we're getting serious about the potty training and the switch to a big girl bed will be soon!!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
A Week of Bliss....
Our week started off with a day of running errands!! Since my last job was a work from home position, I was able to get a lot of my errands done during the week. It's tough running errands with a 2 year old. It took a lot longer than usual but we had so much fun doing it. We spent atleast an hour at the Target dollar bin - and Gray racked up on some new goodies. Cheap and fun!! We had lunch with Paul at his office... Gray loved seeing where her daddy works.
Tuesday we packed up early, drove to the lightrail station and began our venture to Discovery Place. It was awesome to take Gray to a place where I played as a little girl. She loved it. There were so many things to do. She loved the aquariums and the water tables. She touched a snake and we walked the drawbridge in the rainforest. Aunt Anna was able to join us for a few hours too - so that made it even better!! On our way out we made a pit stop at the gift shop where she picked out her dinosaur silly-bands. She still has not taken them off!!
Friday was another big outing... we met Holly and the Wilder boys at ImaginOn. This is a HUGE library downtown with so much to do. The kids listened to a story-teller and put on a puppet show. We wrapped up with lunch downtown and hopped back on the train for our ride home. Gray loves riding the train. She made a few friends and even pointed out to a homeless lady that her feet and hair were dirty. Oh how I love the honesty of a two year old.
Jack and Gray outside of ImaginOn. The stuff outside is almost as fun as everything inside!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Summer Days.....

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
July 4th, 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
The Birthday Girl Gives Back
Birthday Fun!!
Pizza... Pizza
Duke Blue Devils.....

Monday, April 26, 2010
Birthday Girl
I must admit this birthday was a little tough for me - I couldn't get through the happy birthday song without tearing up. Each day with Gray is so special but there is just something monumental about 2. The baby days are over and I find that each day our little girl is becoming so much more independent. She's getting herself dressed, brushing her own teeth, she will not hold my hand going up or down the stairs and the list goes on and on. Paul and I fall more and more in love with each new day. She is the light of our life!! Here are a few "gray updates" and stay tuned for birthday pictures later this week.
- Loves to sing!! She sings Happy Birthday, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Jesus Loves Me, Open Shut Them. Her little singing voice is just precious!!
- Knows all of her shapes, numbers, and colors. Her favorite shape is the trapezoid (yes, I had to look this one up online because he asks me to draw it daily). Her favorite color is pink and her favorite number is 2.
- Sleeping great - but we have a rough time every morning getting her up and dressed. I swear the child would prefer to stay in her pj's with a soaking wet diaper all day.
- Says her prayers everynight and will not going to bed without saying the names of all of her friends and family members.
- Her favorite book is Goodnight Moon and she waves goodnight with each page we read
- When she has a poopy diaper she yells "MOMMY, I didn't poop... I didn't"
- She has full conversations with our dog Jake. And everytime she looks at me and says "Mommy, Jake's not listening to me."
- She loves to tell Paul he is cute and just started telling me that I am pretty.
One quick story for you. There is a little girl named Kallie in the neighborhood that goes to school with Gray 2 days a week. We have decided to start carpooling and last week Gray got into Kallies car and off to school they went. About half way to school this was the conversation.
Gray: Where's my mommy
Kristin (Kalli's Mom) You're mommy went to work.
Gray: Where's my daddy
Kristin: Your daddy is at work too
Gray: Why???
Kristin: Because they went to make money.
There was a long moment of silence...
Gray: Well I don't have to work because I have lots of money in my pocketbook.
She is our sweet and simple girl - and now I want to stop the clock. 2 is old enough :)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Love Thy Neighbor
Friday night we went out to dinner with Laura, Andrew and Caroline. We enjoyed a little mexican and then a walk down to our favorite ice cream shop. The girls had a wonderful night and we realized how much easier it is to go out to dinner when there is another "little person." They kept each other entertained the entire time. Saturday night we had a last minute cookout with Laura, Andrew and Caroline... and other neighbors, Kristin, James and 3 year old Cali joined in on the fun. The girls had a blast playing in the pool and running in the yard. We enjoyed the adult time and we started a cornhole tournament that looks like it will last all summer long. Andrew and Paul got lucky with 2 wins in a row - but watch out boys, we are planning mid-afternoon practice sessions. Oh the joys of working from home!!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Spring...Spring... It's a Beautiful Thing!!
Spring is HERE!! It has been three back to back days of high 70's tempatures and we love it!! Our afternoons are spent outside... and Gray just loves it!! She's just like her mommy - she loves the warm sun, and being barefoot in the grass. Our new evening tradition is walking hand-in-hand through the neighborhood and saying all the things we see "Mommy, there's a mailbox.. and another one...and another one." or "Shhhhh.... I hear birds". It's the highlight of my day!!
The attached picture is from last month. We need to purchase a new usb cord connecting the camera to the computer - it's on my long list of to-do items this week.
Happy Easter to everyone -we are beach bound for a weekend of fun in the sun and easter egg hunts in the sand!!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Weekend Retreat
Saturday was perfect!! We packed a cooler and packed both families up in the car for a day of hiking! We visited Dupont State Forest and hiked to Triple Falls. The waterfalls were beautiful and overflowing with water due to all the melting snow and recent rain. The hike was an easy one, thank goodess!! Parts of the trail were still covered with snow and ice. Ella and Gray loved every minute of it. We even met a group of horseback riders and we got to pet the horses. Gray just loves animals and still has not stopped talking about the horse licking her hand. We had a picnic lunch that was picture perfect....
Saturday night was "make your own pizza night" and we got to catch up The Peckham Family and The Parris Family. It was great seeing both families and the kids played all night long!! Sunday we got up and went to the park - another beautiful day where we went on a trail hike and let the kids play. Swings, slides, monkey bars, basketball, sandbox... whew!! Thanks to the Bazley family for a wonderful weekend!! We look forward to another trip this summer!
On a side note.... these waterfalls were just amazing. It only takes a moment to realize that the simple things in life can make us the happiest. Gray is at such a fun age and it's things like a hike, a waterfall, a horse or a little bit of fresh snow can make her giggle all day long! Our goal: To be appreciative for the beautiful and SIMPLE things in life every single day!